Thursday, May 26, 2011

Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is a philosophy that takes advantage of the latest technology and techniques to help keep your teeth healthy and beautiful.  The principles of  preventive dentistry are to prevent tooth decay, detect and treat decay as early as possible, preserve the maximum amount of tooth structure, and restore your teeth comfortably with tooth-colored materials.  These same principles of early detection and treatment to preserve supporting tissue also apply to gum disease to prevent tooth loss.

As a first step, we'll talk with you about your diet, home care routine, and health history to help you lower your risk for tooth decay.  If you are at high risk, we may recommend special fluoride tooth paste, mouth rinses, sealants, or other treatments to help prevent decay.  We'll also perform a thorough examination.  And, if we suspect that the decay has already begun, we will use extremely small instruments to remove the decay in the pits and grooves or in-between areas of teeth where decay begins.  Fortunately, these methods are gentle on teeth.

If teeth are at risk of decay, we may place sealants on the biting surfaces of teeth to prevent future damage.  If teeth are already decayed, then we will remove the decay and bond in a small tooth-colored filling to protect and restore the tooth.  At Adult Dentistry of Rochester, preventive dentistry techniques allow us to detect problems early and help you keep your healthy, beautiful smile.  We invite you to visit for a free comprehensive exam. We think this is the best way for you to get acquainted with our advanced, comfort-conscience,

Tags: Preventive DentistryDental SealantsTooth-Colored FillingsDental BondingDiet and Risk of Tooth Decay


  1. At every visit Dr. Dulski comes in to check every patient to mke sure there is no changes in the dental care. He checks to see if there is no new cavities and everything is good. He also goes over anything that he has found in the past to let you know that something needs to be done.

    I like this because this way I can find out if I have any new decay before I start feeling pain,and to keep me inform that I still have something that needs to be done.

  2. I've worked with a person who actually believed that the reason I brought up previously mentioned necessary work is because I like being a thorn in his side! My response was, "Are you kidding me? I bring it up because our office wants to help you take care of yourself, and it is always cheaper sooner than postponing till later."
    It has taken awhile for the fellow to come to the realization that we do have his best interests at heart.

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  4. Thanks for sharing the details about preventive dentistry and the modern technology which helps to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. Most patients we treat do not realize their oral health is suffering from gum disease, which is why we recommend routine dental check-ups. Preventive procedures are effective in reducing the bacterial flora in the periodontal pockets.

    Quebec Dentist

  5. Several researches conducted by experts in this area have proved that every individual has around 95% chances of developing cavities. As a safety measure, after thorough cleaning an individual can undergo the seamless dental sealants treatment.

    hildren usually suffer from cavities because of poor oral health. Food particles and bacteria gets stuck in the narrow pits and grooves which cannot be easily cleaned. A dental Sealant! forms a protective layer on this surface and keeps cavities at bay.

  6. Oral health is related to diet in many ways, for example, nutritional influences on
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