Thursday, May 19, 2011

Seven Factors You Can't Ignore

Gum disease is a chronic bacterial infection that triggers an inflammatory response in your body and can lead to tooth loss.  Scientists believe that this inflammatory process my be linked to other inflammatory diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease.  The incidence of gum disease effects over 50% of the adult population. There are seven factors that could make you vulnerable to developing gum disease:

1)  Tobacco and Alcohol.  Smoking or chewing tobacco and drinking alcohol are leading causes of gum disease and can lead to oral cancer.  Doing both could put you at 15 times greater risk that others.
2)  Genetic Susceptibility.  About 30% of the population inherits the tendency to be six times more at risk for gum disease.
3)  Hormonal Changes.  Life stages that bring natural changes in hormone levels include puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and andropause.
4)  Stress.  Stress can make it more difficult for you to fight off oral and other infections.
5)  Diabetes.  Diabetics are at higher risk for infections including gum diseases which can make it more difficult to control blood sugar.
6)  Clenching or Grinding Teeth.  Excess force on the supporting tissues of your teeth could speed their deterioration.
7)  Avoiding Dental Visits.  Regular exams and confirmation of proper home care techniques can help you prevent gum disease.  At Adult Dentistry of Rochester, we can identify gum disease before you can and help you to halt its progression.  It's critical to your health, and the health of your family, to have the condition of  your teeth and gums checked now.  Please visit us at for your free exam and consultation.

Tags: Gum Disease, TMD, Preventive Dentistry, Periodontal Disease


  1. Do your gums bleed when you bite down on a crispy apple or a crusty piece of bread? Do they bleed when you brush your teeth? If they do, you should immediately make an appointment to see your dentist. Stop periodontal disease early to spare yourself major pain, expense, and serious health problems. And if you have gum disease, you can improve your situation by improving your oral hygiene.

  2. Most people are unaware they have periodontal disease because it does not cause pain. Periodontal disease does show signs. Some signs to be aware of are swollen gum tissues, gums that bleed easily to brushing and flossing. (Your gum tissues are not suppose to bleed no more than your hand should bleed.) Bad breathe is another sign. Periodontal disease can easily be identified in the dental office by measuring the bone level and using dental x-rays. If periodontal disease is not treated not only will you loose important teeth and chewing ability it can effect your whole body. Be proactive and have regular dental checkups.

  3. The first sign of gum disease is gingivitis. This is cureable.Then there is periodontal disease. There is several stages of perio. This is not cureable but you can mantain it from progressing.

    You would have to see your dentist to help clean your teeth on a regular basis.Most people have to go every 3-4 months. This way you are working on saving you teeth.
