Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dental Care For Senior Adults

As we age, we notice graying hair, more frequent aches and pains and wrinkles.  Our teeth and mouths are also affected by aging.

Dental cavities are not just for kids.  As we age, receding gums can expose the unprotected root surfaces of teeth resulting in root cavities.  Many seniors also have a number of old fillings.  On average, fillings last 8 - 10 years.  As fillings age, leakage and decay is a common problem.

Gum disease is the major reason for tooth loss in adults of all ages.  Infected gums if left untreated slowly detach from the teeth.  Deepening infection can involve the underlying bone resulting in bone decay.  Eventually the teeth loosen and are lost.  Some medical diseases, certain medications, dentures and bridges that don't fit properly, poor diets and poor oral hygiene can increase the severity of gum disease.

Dr. Dulski believes that every tooth in your mouth plays an important role in speaking, chewing and maintaining proper alignment of other teeth.  Tooth loss is not an inevitable result of aging, but if you do lose teeth, they should be replaced for your mouth the function properly.

If most of the teeth are missing, a partial denture or complete denture can restore the mouth to function and improve appearance and restore personal self-esteem.  A more natural option to replacing lost teeth in terms of fit, comfort and appearance is dental implantsDental implants attach directly to the jawbone.  Not everyone is a candidate for dental implants because the patient must be in good general and oral health and have adequate jawbone remaining to secure the dental implant.  Dr. Dulski will advise you if this is an option for you.

What can you do to prevent dental problems?  Sugars and starches are changed by bacteria in plaque to acids which attack tooth enamel.  Limiting the number of times you snack along with brushing and flossing daily can help save your teeth from tooth decay.  Studies show that fluoride is just as effective in preventing tooth cavities in adult as it is in children.  Toothpastes containing fluoride can help reduce tooth decay even more that brushing and flossing alone.

Regular dental check-ups are important for seniors, whether or not they have their natural teeth.  Besides evaluating and treating existing dental problems, Dr. Dulski also looks for more serious health problems such as oral cancer.  The majority of oral cancers occur in people older than 45 years of age.  Symptoms of oral cancer include sores, swelling or discoloration of the tongue, lips, cheek, throat, jawbone or salivary glands.  If you notice any of these symptoms, call Dr. Dulski immediately for a examination.

Aging also yellows teeth.   A number of cosmetic dental procedures can improve your smile.  Bleaching can whiten stained teeth, bonding and porcelain veneers can cover stains, restore chipped teeth, close gaps or reshape malformed teeth.  Visit Adult Dentistry of Rochester to learn how Dr. Dulski can keep you smiling for years to come.

Tags: Dental Cavities, Gum Disease, Partial Dentures, Complete Dentures, Dental Implants, Oral Cancer, Porcelain Veneers


  1. Senior patients become a majority of our practice. That why I as a hygienist try to pay very close attention to any changes in patient medication. Medication can alter saliva flow and create more problems such as dry mouth,root cavity, periodontal problems. Many senior patient need to be on 3-4 month recall appointment in order to maintain healthy teeth and supporting tissue.

  2. Advancing age puts many seniors at risk for a number of oral health problems, such as: Darkened teeth, Dry mouth, Diminished sense of taste, Root decay, Gum Disease, Tooth loss, Uneven jawbone, Denture-induced stomatitis and Thrush. Age in and of itself is not a dominant or sole factor in determining oral health. However, certain medical conditions, such as arthritis in the hands and fingers, may make brushing or flossing teeth difficult to impossible to perform. Medications you may be taking can also affect your oral health and may make a change in your dental treatment necessary. It is important to maintain good oral health for all individuals, regardless of age. This may require you to have more frequent visits with your dentist and hygienist.

    WebMD Medical Reference

  3. Making a commitment to maintain your health through a healthy diet, exercise, social contact, and resolving problems as they come up can contribute to a positive outlook & lifestyle. We want our patients to be able to enjoy their years ahead. Take care of yourself now or you'll be taking care of an illness ahead.

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