Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Problem With Dentures

Some people believe that their dental problems will be solved if they have their teeth removed and get dentures.  However, as many denture wearers have found, this is just the beginning of a new set of problems.  Some of these problems include difficulty eating and tasting food, gagging, sore spots, loss of jaw bone,  the need for ongoing denture adjustments and fabrication of new dentures to replace worn dentures, and changes in facial appearance.

Eating takes longer with dentures because you can only apply a fraction of the biting pressure that you can apply with natural teeth.  This makes many foods more difficult to eat, particular high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables which are essential for good nutrition.  Tasting foods is also a problem, particularly with upper dentures which cover the taste buds on the palate.  Gagging is also a problem because many people gag when the back of the palate is touched making the upper denture difficult to wear.

Sore spots occur from the transmission of biting pressure from the denture to the tender gum tissue pinched between the base of the denture and the bone beneath the denture.  Gum tissue was never meant to assume the role of chewing that the hard tissue of the teeth was designed to support.  The most serious problem is the loss of jaw bone from the pressure of the denture on tissue.  Natural teeth are suspended in a ligament that applies tension to bone during chewing to stimulate the growth of bone.  Without teeth, the direct pressure applied to bone by a denture causes the recession of bone.  After many months of denture wear and bone recession, the denture will need to be relined.  After many years of wear and refitting, the dentures will need to be replaced with a new set.

Bone recession and ill-fitting dentures is a particular problem with the lower denture.  The rim of bone supporting the lower denture is narrower to begin with.  The lower jaw moves during chewing and speaking and the tongue moves through the middle of the denture.

The loss of jaw bone also changes your appearance.  Your nose gets closer to your chin and your lips lose support of the teeth and gums and collapse.   This causes wrinkles and makes you look older.  When you  add up all the costs, dentures can be more expensive than the cost of treatment to save your natural teeth.  The cost of dentures include removing your teeth, making the dentures and the periodic relines and cost of new dentures every 8 - 10 years.

For all these reasons, Dr. Dulski recommends that you choose treatment to keep all of your natural teeth.  You will look better, feel better and be more confident.  Visit Adult Dentistry of Rochester to learn how we can help you keep your natural smile.

Tags: Dentures, Preventive Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry


  1. Let's face it, without teeth we all look alike!

  2. People have it in the back of their mind that they can just wait until their teeth get so bad that a dentist will just put them to sleep, remove the teeth and they will wake up with false teeth and live happily ever after. It is an expensive procedure, it will cause you to gag, talk differently and change your facial features. It is always best to try to save your natural teeth.

  3. Be true to your teeth or they will be false to you!

  4. People don't realize that having dentures might look good but they don't always feel good.
    Lower dentures are very hard to wear till some people don't wear them at all. The upper dentures interfere with ou taste buds.
    So try to keep as many of your own teeth and wearing a partial is much better.

  5. The feedback from those who wear partials ranges from: appreciation for the work Dr. Dulski puts into assuring the color, shape, fitting, etc...., to...realizing partials are not an ideal substitute for natural teeth. It is not unusual to encounter patients who have made the choice to play with their dentures/partials in their mouths or choose to wear them only when in a social gathering.

    Like dentures, partials can be uncomfortable, interfere with tasting & biting, and experience many of the same challenges denture wearers do.

    Partials can not adapt to natural structural changes such as ten pound weight gain or loss. In addition, chronic disorders such as arthritis will limit the wearer's ability to remove, clean, & insert the partial. Inflammation of the hard palate can occur over time.

    Those partial wearers who made the transition from partials to implants are satisfied with the outcome and feel the high costs were worth it because the feeling & use is similar to that of natural teeth.

    Only implants will come within reasonable expectations in terms of function & cosmetics.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. To avoid having to wear dentures visit your hygienist and dentist regularly (at least every 6 months). In between visits brush twice a day and floss at least once a day. You will be able to enjoy your teeth for many years to come.

  8. The moral of the story is take care of your teeth now so you won't be put in the situation of needing dentures. Be proactive!

    Also for those people who think "My parents had dentures by the time they were 30 so I will." Is not true, educated yourself, see your dentist regularly and brush and floss daily and you can avoid the same pitfall and break that cycle for your children.

  9. Periodontal disease, injury and tooth decay can all cause a loss of your natural teeth. However, we can bring back the smile

    on your face with dentures to restore your missing teeth. With improved technology and updated materials, dentists can now

    make them appear more natural and more comfortable for the patient.

    Dentures Bakersfield

  10. Complete dentures are used when few original teeth remain. The dentist begins by removing any remaining teeth so the dentures can be fitted. He or she then makes a mold of the gums and sends it to a dental lab where customized dentures are constructed. Partial dentures are prepared in much the same way as a complete set and are utilized when only a few teeth are missing.

    Dentures Crystal Lake IL

  11. A person without tooth looks ugly and awkward. More than that he or she can have lots of issues while eating anything. Dentures are essential for those who has a problem with their current tooth and need to have dentures.

  12. I love that picture of the old man! It makes me laugh to see people without teeth smile. I just hope that they have dentures for when they eat.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

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