Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Smile Makeovers

At Adult Dentistry of Rochester, you can have the smile of your dreams with a smile makeover.  Dr. Dulski begins the process with a thorough oral exam and discussion about what you want your new smile to look like.  Dr. Dulski develops a design for your new smile after considering factors like the shape of your face, eye color and skin tone, and the shape and contour of your lips.  Computer imaging software with a gallery of smile designs creates a before and after simulation of the proposed changes.

Advances in cosmetic and restorative dentistry allow Dr. Dulski to give you a dazzling smile.  Teeth whitening is the simplest and least expensive cosmetic procedure.  Tooth-colored fillings and porcelain restorations can repair decay and wear.  Porcelain veneers and cosmetic bonding can straighten the appearance of front teeth and repair cracks, chips, gaps and lighten deeply stained teeth.  Dental implants can replace missing teeth and restore a lost bite.  To learn how Dr. Dulski can create your unique new smile, visit

Tags: Smile Make0verTeeth Whitening, Tooth-Colored Fillings, Porcelain Veneers, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants


  1. Everyone wants a beautiful smile. Your smile is usually the first thing people notice about you. A healthy smile can be an indication of your overall health and happiness.

  2. I had a friend who had a large space between her upper centrals and without telling anyone she went to the dentist to have bonding. She wanted to see our reactions. I noticed right away how beautiful she looked she was beaming she smiled more and was truly happy with the result. She stated she could not believe how much it made her feel better about herself. The only regret she had was that she should have done it sooner.

  3. People don't realize how different they look or fell when they have something done to improve their smile. Even the little things like closing a space or getting their teeth whiten makes a differents.

  4. A beautiful smile comes in all sizes and shapes. Your criteria (as well as the dentist's) needs to be: teeth & gums healthy, good bite alignment, and any restorative or cosmetic dentistry done in such a manner that it reflects your own good looks. That means the teeth are sized appropriately to your mouth & lips, the coloring is genuinely yours at its best, and the shape/length reflects the fact that you are a female or male.

    Dentists are trained to do these things - how successful they are depends on many things ranging from the ability to discern between colors to approximating size, length & shape.

    Dr. Dulski has demonstrated time & time again that he can personalize smiles instead of resorting to run-of-the-mill turn-outs.
