Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Every Person Needs to Know About Dental Care

Teeth are meant to last a lifetime.  Dentures are not a replacement for missing teeth in fit, comfort and appearance.

Fillings, veneers, crowns do not replace lost enamel.  Enamel, in a healthy mouth, can last the life of the individual.  Restorations, at best, are a short term substitute for lost enamel, needing to be replaced many times over a lifetime.  The average life of a restoration is 8 to 10 years.

Advanced, tooth colored materials not only look better and feel better, they last longer.  Newer composites and porcelains better mimic the expansion and contraction of the tooth due to hot and cold.  The result is a restoration that does not shrink away from the tooth to create a gap or split the tooth.

Remember, enamel in a healthy mouth can last a lifetime.  And, consider that without gaps or cracks, a better fitting restoration makes for a healthy mouth.  Therefore, advanced restorations can last longer because they make for a healthier mouth.

The healthier the mouth, the longer lasting the natural and restored tooth.  You can't reduce the cost of dental restorations, but you can reduce the cost of dental care to keep teeth for a lifetime by reducing the need for restorations and making restorations last longer.

Now, gums reflect the health of the mouth.  Healthy gums are not red, tender or swollen.  By measuring and scoring the health of gums, the effectiveness of teeth cleaning can be reported to optimize the result.  Optimal teeth cleaning means a healthier mouth and longer lasting restorations.

Straight teeth are easier to clean and therefore cleaner.  Crooked teeth are crowded or have gaps which are hard to clean areas.  Straight teeth are healthier teeth and therefore last longer.

Straight, natural teeth are healthier than crooked teeth which are healthier than missing teeth.  Straight, clean (white) teeth are a sign of healthy teeth which is physically attractive.  Visit Adult Dentistry of Rochester for advanced dental care which conserves natural teeth in a straight, healthy environment for a lifetime of health and beauty.

Tags: Dentures, Fillings, Veneers, Crowns, Straight Teeth, Teeth Cleaning


  1. It is very important to have your teeth cleaned at least every 6 months so that you can work to keep your natural teeth. There is nothing like your own teeth.

  2. The best kind of teeth are your own teeth. It is important to visit your hygienist/dentist regularly to make sure all is healthy. They will do a full assessment of your mouth and make recommendations to meet your specific needs so you can maintain a healthy body.

  3. Once you have decay, you will be spending money on that tooth over a lifetime. The negative choices you make about caring for your teeth & gum will reflect inversely in your overall costs and health. As you age, it will happen more quickly

  4. The average life of a filling, crown, bridge, denture or partial is approximately 10 years. Brush, floss and maintain a strict regiment with your dentist and hygienist to save yourself a lot of money in the long run.

  5. It is very important to learn at a early age the proper way to care for your teeth. If you do this when you are young, you will get into the habit to always brushing and flossing your teeth daily.
    By doing this you will be working towards a healthy mouth.
